Feng Shui by Clear Englebert

Words of Appreciation


Words of Appreciation

[I just got this email today (5/1/2022) and it made my day.]
Hello Clear ~
I’ve recently moved into elderly housing in Hilo and have been reviewing your books and my memories of your feng shui suggestions. What I very much appreciate about your advice is your positive and practical solutions! So many online “experts” just say don’t do something, but you always tell us how to fix a situation.
Just wanted to mahalo you!!
Wishing you all the best,

[It took quite a while for this couple to find a home with really good feng shui, but they were glad they waited.]
Aloha Clear
Today we got the keys and had the blessing of our dream home!! Can’t thank you enough for guiding us on this treasure hunt. It was a long journey but most certainly worth the wait.

Hi, Clear,
I found you on youtube and loved hearing about remedies you mention. It’s a feeling of hope rather that ‘paranoia’ that you offer. Thank you for your blog and youtube postings.

[In April, 2022, I received these two emails from a client I had worked for in 2007. The first one was before a new consultation, and she filled me in on what had happened to her after our first consultation. The second email came the day after our second consultation.]
When we worked together I was very focused on meeting my soul mate.
I met him almost immediately after we finished working together. I literally think it might have been a month. We have been married since 2008.
Hawaii Island
Thank you again for all of your help over the years! Just knowing you were coming over yesterday helped my husband and myself to overcome blockages and now I’m filled with a sense of energy to move forward with everything!
My deepest mahalo,

[This was in an e-mail the client sent me before the consultation:]
I have to preface our meeting by saying [that] all the furniture belongs to the previous owner. The furniture is old and mismatched. The space completely drains me as the items are nothing I would ever choose. I feel helpless, overwhelmed and overtaken. Look forward to your recommendations so I can start replacing everything with the correct items for the space.
[This is the e-mail I received shortly after the consultation:]
I am overtaken by love, gratitude and emotion. I can not contain myself.
You are an Angel
I am a new person, I am free and in love with life, everything and everyone. And I’ve done only a handful of what you recommended so far. The glass table and couch were covered with the only extra sheets I have…. It’s silly and mismatched but at least it’s me. I have a friend coming over now and I feel no shame whatsoever because at least it’s me.
The TV is in the closet, the wave painting is in the life path area and I have the funniest Love altar made of a basket and blankets and Love! I learned a tremendous amount from a single session, so much that I will keep learning from it for months to come. The most resounding of all is perfection-There is no urgency to go out and buy anything at all-(except front door/driveway items) This translates to perfection of the moment, the moment is perfect, the items are perfect, we are perfect.
Your wisdom is astounding and your energy is pure.
Have a blessed week ahead.
J. N.

I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart and I’m so grateful you have been helping me for the last 4-5 years. Each time I move gets better and better. You are a genius.

Here are two emails that came in on the same day – 5/21/21. The first one responds to an e-mail that I’d sent, and is reprinted below

As long as the demarcation where the two floor colors change is unmistakable logical, then it’s okay to use the grey indoors. The thing to avoid is any kind of haphazard feeling with any color change anywhere. A long as it feels logical it’s fine (with the ideal being something that looks inevitable). I always recommend living with a new color for at least a few days (if possible) before putting another color next to it. If at all possible use new colors that make the existing colors look even better than they did before— then (for sure) it’s going to look inevitable.

This is my client’s response:
Hi Clear,
Thank you for that clarity. That makes good sense to me.
I really like what you say here – it is like giving me a way to cook rather than simply a recipe – it’s a whole way to look at the colors and transitions. I like that a lot.
Many thanks. Have a great weekend.

This is the second e-mail that came in on 5/21/21:
I must tell you a story:
After the Travel/helpful people corner was completely painted, there were an abundance of helpful people…landscapers, handyman, painter, a/c’s were replaced, and my cousin cleaned the two rooms. Really cool.

Hello Clear,
I would like to thank you for your recent talks here on Oahu. I’ve enjoyed your yearly visits. You have such a gracious and welcoming spirit. Your mindfulness class during your recent visit was both a surprise and a delight.
Two nights ago I was having dinner with a dear friend who was visiting the Islands, and is on a similar spritual path as I am. As I spoke to her about your mindfulness talk, and then your Feng Shui talks, I noticed the excitement in my voice as I explained one of the changes that you encouraged. So I want to share that change with you.
At the class you mentioned how a desk in the middle of the room allows energy to race around it. What a revelation! I went home and immediately relocated two low bookcases positioned along a wall to create an ‘L’ shaped desk connected to that wall. The reaction has been amazing and immediate. I resolved the problem of getting cables to the round table and a nagging frustration of tangled wires and a power strip that always fell from under the table. I was able to reorganize the equipment and furniture around the desk and create a wonderful space for a meditation chair. My meditations in this relocated chair have felt so much more connected and quiet.
There are probably a dozen other “improvements” from this reconfiguration. Sitting here I can clearly feel the change in the energy pattern. I’ve been so much more focused on my work, and my meditation. Even the spiritual connection with my dinner guest from two nights ago feels so much richer.
My email may have rambled on a bit too long, but I felt the desire to share this experience. Thank you for sharing your insights, and for enriching my life.
With peace and kindness,

Hi Clear,
You should see the house. Almost all of the taupe woodwork has been painted over in the mayonnaise color. The living room is pale yellow. The wood from the kitchen ceiling is gone, and replaced with white drywall. Sconces are up in a hallway. More walls need to be painted, but the light woodwork transforms the darkness and integrates the inside. So great to be sequestered in lightness. The colors we picked out with you work out so well! Lots more to do, but we are making progress. Thank you for the joy you engender with your ideas.
Peace and hugs,

Aloha Clear!!!
I cannot thank you enough for all you have done to help transform my life! I just painted an accent wall in my fortunate blessings corner and my relationship corner bright red with sparkles and placed a big purple water fountain in the proper corner. The next day was my birthday and ON MY BIRTHDAY, the very next day I received an e-mail that my baby has gotten into one of the best preschools in all of Hawaii. This is no small thing, considering they only admitted 10 boys!!!
Aloha and Mahalo,

Dear Mr. Englebert,
You came to our home [in Honolulu] when we first moved in over a year ago. I want to share how your guidance still touches us.
I cannot thank you enough for your wisdom and teaching me about feng shui through your books and your visit.
Sincerely with gratitude,
N. N.

Aloha Clear, I thought I would let you know we closed escrow today on the sale of our property [in Kohala]. Thank you for your help I believe your suggestions helped getting this property sold.
M. D.
Kohala, Hawaii

Aloha Clear!
I just wanted to tell you, once again, how wonderful my experience with you was. Your classes were enlightening and the time spent in my home was magical.
I felt more settled last night without that mirror on my closet door! Very interesting!!
I am researching wall waterfalls and reupholstering my sofa! So much fun!
Thank you again for my wonderful experience! I look forward to connecting with you again.
April 2019

The overall look [of the colors you recommended] is very sharp and clean, I think. I’m LOVING the green. Feel like I’m being embraced all day, so grounding!
Thank you so much!!
V. A.
Kona, Hawaii
November 2018

Hi, Clear –
I was at your talk … and have been reading your for Love and Money and Feng Shui Demystified which I purchased there. I went to buy some bagua mirrors and a jade dragon to hang by my front door.
Life has been miserable with the renters in the condo next door with their smoking and noises at all hours for about the past three years. I had heard quite some time ago that the owners may move back from the mainland into their condo this year, but haven’t heard anything for sure. I put up a bagua mirror on my lanai fence which faces the next door condo (as well as one facing Waianuenue and the County jail, and one facing an empty lot full of pesticide-sprayed weeds). Today, Saturday, eleven days later, at our condos’ annual meeting I met the owners of the next door condo who have retired and will move back into their place next month!!!! I am over the top thrilled!
I continue to make changes to my home based on your advice in your books and from your talk which we really enjoyed. Right after your talk, my friend and I came back to my condo and we implemented some of your suggestions immediately.
With aloha and gratitude,

Aloha Clear –
Brilliant consult!
Ever grateful,

Many thanks again, I removed the mish-mash painting from the living room and cut the band on the dining room door and I can’t tell you how immediate the feeling of calmness and relaxation that came over me, it’s really amazing!
Silicon Valley

Thank you for your ongoing responses to my numerous questions. I really value your time and expertise.
Mahalo nui loa,

A deep, heartfelt thanks to you for sharing your gifts with us in print and in person. We were delighted to learn from our consultation with you at our apartment in Kaimuki. Joyfully on baby-time, your recommendations are little-by-little and the results are palpable. It is an honor to bring your advice to life.
Thank you also for your wonderful book reviews. A few days after our consult, “Lighting the Eye of the Dragon” arrived at Kaimuki Public Library. This reminded me of you:
“In essence, a true master of Feng Shui must possess above all, the sensitivity and life force of a child.” (Page 47)
Mahalo nui, [two parents and their baby]

Mahalo for your guidance, support, and loving energy that you have shared with me along my life journey and new office space. I am grateful to have crossed paths with you… I believe it’s been about three or four years since I walked into your workshop at the Bodhi Tree in Honolulu. Your guidance has helped [my boyfriend] and I to attract abundance in all areas of our life, including a healthy and loving relationship, career growth, financial abundance, a healthier and happier lifestyle, and the list goes on. Infusing Feng Shui in my life and business has been a lot of fun and enjoyable because of the style of teaching you practice. Thank you for following you heart and sharing such an incredible and life-changing gift with us and the world. I’m looking forward to learning more from you.
T. T.

[I got this on a thank you card shortly after visiting Oahu in early February, 2018.]
Mahalo for taking the time to come to Oahu and providing us with such an educational weekend on the art of Feng Shui.
I absolutely love and look forward to when you come to town. I learn a vast amount of new information every time. I am so excited with making changes in my home and office and seeing how this will affect my life in a positive way.
Thank you for being so authentic and inspiring. Please come back soon.
With aloha,

Thank you SO much for stopping by and sharing your wisdom.
I had a very full week so have only gotten to a few of the things we discussed, and am working on the others. I did not even get to communcations – like thanking you. Was quite full yet really was a great week!
F. in Hilo
[then a month later I got this e-mail from the same person]
I’m actually still clearing my house – work got kind of busy – so that’s great – and anyway, the point is, the house is looking great. The kitchen is done. Most of the things you suggested to me are done; a few are still on the list. All in all it is looking and feeling really good.
Much aloha,
F. in Hilo

I have just finished rearranging both of my rooms. All shifts mattered and I was surprised by what a difference moving the bed made.
Mahalo nui loa.

[I helped a Hawaii Island client rearrange the waiting room for her massage practice]
Thank you so much for your wonderful work. It Feels so great. The way the waiting room looks!

Aloha, I invited Clear to walk through my home, which was a room only, to check the flow, the Feng Shui. This was two months ago. Soon after things started to change, dramatic positive changes, on all levels. I did all the things Clear suggested and had fun with it. Instead of a room, I now have the whole house, thanks to and amazingly synchronistic with the Feng Shui consultation. Also love has increased in my life, and there is lots of progress. Not necessarily the progress I expected; better things then I had anticipated have come my way. And I like the way Clear goes about it. He is relaxed, pleasant and fast in spotting the issues and bringing the solutions.

Hi Clear,
I just moved my bed to south and put my shorter dresser in wealth blessing and I felt connected to my inner voice. I felt connected and whole. Normally I felt airy and disconnected from my emotion and thoughts. I hope this feeling stays with me.
M. L.
Los Angeles

I got this email on March 26, 2017, from a couple in Hilo, Hawaii:

I just have to say how grateful we are to have been blessed by your presence and your wisdom in our home:) We have made huge changes so far, completely rearranging the living room, we are actually living it it now!! Moving flowing water into our money corner…! Oh and I have to tell you that cutting apart my chakra prayer flags was such a scary idea when you offered it, but today I did that and hung the red and yellow one and I LOVE THEM! I appreciate them so much more individually hung with focused intention than I did when they hung together! Deep gratitude for your offerings and the light you shone in our home the other day!
a couple in Hilo

Your visit helped me to feel good!
I did not plan it, but when I put the two masks in the corner, the male is slightly higher than the female, and seems to be LOOKING RIGHT AT HER ADORINGLY!
Every time I look there, I feel like it is just around the corner that someone will look at me like that. When I woke up and saw the masks like that, first thing this morning, it was an amazing feeling of upliftment and is continuing to have this effect on me. The chimes above the front door are a similar reminder that things are definitely looking up. When I went in and out today, every time I heard that chime I got a smile.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your inspired suggestions! The enthusiasm, confidence, and knowledge you bring to each consult feels like love in action to me.
Mahalo and best wishes,

I was so altered by your visit, and in a positive direction. The momentum has slowed a bit, yet you surely gave me hope, and I am happier staying in this place than before.

Mahalo nui loa Clear,
For your clarity!
R. and C.

I feel so blessed that you live here, and I’m smart enough to know how much I need your brilliance. Having you in my life is one of the best things I could possibly hope for. If you wanted to put these words up on Facebook for a testimonial, please do.

[At this client’s home I noticed a fake million-dollar bill in the Wealth Corner. I suggested that she move it, and put a real hundred-dollar bill, instead. She didn’t want it to be visible, so we tucked it behind a picture of a waterfall. Here’s the e-mail she sent me a few days later:]
I put that $100 bill behind my waterfall picture in the wealth corner. Last night I got an e-mail asking me to do five massages two hours each. I went to their beach house for the first one and then talked them into coming to me for the rest. He paid me $175 for each one. I got three more to do. Think the $$ in the money corner may have started to work.!!
[Later, I got this e-mail from her:]
I just love you. Your knowledge and your being has such an incredible uplifting spirit.
S., Hawaii

Thank you for your clarity, direction — and most of all kindness in my hours of need and frequent feng shui missteps!
Marie, in northern California

Thank you for the very inspiring consultation. We have already started in following through. I wanted to thank you for your understanding and your focus on listening to [husband]. I so appreciate you for that.
Much aloha
Hawaii island

My room has transformed since taking your class. People who have seen it before and see it now know there is a big difference, and I feel different as well. More alive.

We are having so much fun working on our list of feng shui things to do!
Hawaii Island

Thank you for sharing your unique gift of balancing chi and creating harmony in the home.
Los Angeles

More stories for you. Walked the property to ascertain rel. area. Within an hour my husband asked me out on a romantic dinner date and made me breakfast the next morning – something he only does once a year or so (breakfast that is). His crabbies are gone! Oh, why? Found a single cement goose who used to be a pair. The other one broke so I made sure to pitch it. It was somewhere else and it got moved at some point into rel. Oops.
Two people who are normally huffy at me (and the world) at work have been much nicer. Figured out a drawer in my rel. room which normally sticks a bit despite my “hasping” it and applying a red dot has become even “stucker” because the moist fall air has caused the wood to swell. Worked on it a bit Saturday, with more to be done on it. Discovered a framed photo of a girlfriend and I in the drawer next to it. Haven’t heard from her in a long time even though we normally do a lovely dinner out once a month. Worked on the drawer and put the photo up on the dresser. Got an email from her Monday setting a dinner date!
Northern California

I wanted to thank you again for coming to the Madison Library on Saturday. Your presentation on Garden Feng Shui was excellent! The crowd was actively engaged, as you could tell by the amount of questions. You did a fantastic job of explaining Feng shui principles and applications so that everyone could understand.
We certainly appreciate you sharing your expertise with our library community. As for me, I’m off to buy some wind chimes! 🙂
Teresa Allison
Madison Public Library
Madison, Alabama

Thanks for the tips, Clear… Even the small changes we have made so far have had great results… including changing the desk and armoire around in [our son’s] room, and moving the items off the tansu – so there is “room” for visitors…
San Francisco

Dear Clear,
Most suggestions you gave me are in place. Really happy now to have family visiting. They noticed a positive change in the home and in me. Thank you, Clear.
Aloha, J

Dear Clear,
THANK YOU so much for helping me get rid of this last bit of nasty, thorny, and leaking chi! The more I spackle, the more I find–a century of holes and nails! After you left, I checked out the windows, and there were many holes in all the window frame wood in all the rooms. They’re all patched now, but there must have been about one hundred holes in this place.
San Francisco

Dear Clear,
Thank you so much for the presentation on Feng Shui for Hawaii Gardens. University of Hawaii Master Gardeners are dedicated volunteers in our communities, and we wanted to offer them an enjoyable presentation. Yours was lively, entertaining, and exceeded our expectation! Thank you! Everyone is still talking about it!
A hui hou
Jayme Grzebik

September 18, 2012
Dear Mr. Englebert,
One of the most interesting presentations the Moanalua Seniors have had the privilege and honor to hear was the wealth of knowledge you shared on Feng Shui in Hawaii’s Landscape. As a result of your exceptionally outstanding expertise, we hope to apply the information and philosophy we’ve learned in producing more positive chi energy for healthier living and well being. Many of us can relate to the plants you mentioned and the beautiful samples you displayed since we grow them in our gardens or see them along highways and streets.
We were mesmerized by all the information you enthusiastically conveyed. I could hardly wait to go home to read your book, and was not disappointed in the least. The illustrations were beautiful and helped to clarify the role of Feng Shui very clearly!
On behalf of our membership, we thank you magnanimously for making a special effort to share your expertise and positive energy with all of us!
Nancy Au, Recording Secretary
Moanalua Senior Citizens’ Club

Aloha Clear!
Thank you sooooo much for your help over the phone tonight! I actually feel like some of the energy has already shifted.
Northern California

Thanks to you, this is what the space looks like that I get to live in now. The best thing is that I didn’t buy any furniture or art. Everything you see was either mine, or given to me. I did get all the curtains and also the slipcovers. I so enjoy being here every day! I find that every moment that I spend here is mindful, because I pay so much attention to my surroundings. I find it very grounding. I found it really amazing how with your guidance I was able to be so specific about what to put where, and the harmony it created. I would be very happy to write a testimonial for you, if you have such a thing anywhere, and if you would like me to! I was just so happy with the results, and everyone who walked into the home has commented on how great it looks and/or how good it feels!
Many blessing to you,
Southern California

Hi Clear,
My house feels so much better already! I placed the Bali statue in the wealth corner and hung the fish pictures over her there. That corner looks and feels fabulous now! It really came to life. I even found myself sitting at the table there last night.
I also put the mirror on the wall across from the toilet in the master bath, closed the master bathroom door, and tried sleeping in the master bedroom last night. Much to my astonishment, I slept very deeply and peacefully! I feel my house becoming my home. Thank you for your depth of knowledge and insight, and for the way you tailor your recommendations specifically to me and my home (and teaching me about messages I put out).
Much aloha, E

Hi Clear,
I’ve been busy implementing your suggestions and becoming happier with each one.

Hi Clear,
I HAVE to tell you: I play tennis virtually every day, and one of the areas I said I was looking to change through feng shui was to improve my game. I placed my two tennis trophies in the fame area. This past Saturday I played THE BEST singles match of my LIFE!!!!
Thanks again for everything!
T. Kailiwai
Big Island

Your advice was perfectly timed and invaluable. Thank you!
New York City

Thank you for teaching me Feng Shui, I did not know how much you could bring good energy into your home.

Aloha Clear,
It was good talking with you the other day. Thank you for offering the great feng shui solution for our long hallway issue.
God bless!

Yesterday I hung the larger waterfall painting in my laundry room (wealth corner). Today I put down deep purple carpet tiles in that room, – which now looks very rich and classy. In less than an hour after the carpet went down, I received a call from a property owner who wants to meet and talk about my working with them, and handling it as a vacation rental, which is the most lucrative thing for my business.
All the best, K.

Mahalo so much for all your wise and so kind support and suggestions of feng shui. I so appreciate all of your help and guidance.
Aloha for now,
C. K.

I’ve done everything that you’ve said, and am so pleased. I could give you a huge list of good fortune that has come our way. Thanks for what you do and all the goodness that you spread to others.

Your help is tremendous – thank you for continuing to set me straight on life’s important lessons and needed actions.
Aloha to you until later,
Waimea, Big Island

Thanks for the consult. I learned a lot.
Ann R.

Thank you for the colors!
J. & J.

The living room looks great! I chose the same color (which you liked, it’s called FULL SUN). The difference is that I went for eggshell finish, which I really do like. It’s so much fresher! It had been seven years since I painted. I still have one wall by the kitchen table to paint a red color, and I picked out (and honestly still have to do all the edges around the trim with the FULL SUN color) but the effect is so great already. I also ordered a new blind that will protect my red couches from the sun. So lots of changes and movement all around the house.
Even my 6-year-old is getting into the giving away of stuff concept. We got rid of her squarish dresser, and will find a great new desk and have to figure out storage for all her toys and games (compared to most kids she does not have much!) She wants to repaint her room too!
Also, I ditched my stripey shower curtain for a perfect (and on sale!) one with circulars in pastel colors (bathroom in kids / creativity area)! And bought new white bath towels, all in 10 mins!!! It’s easy when you know exactly what you’re looking for, isn’t it?
Your consultation has already made a big difference for me!
And I enjoyed your book too!
Menlo Park, California

You made it easier for B. and me to purge and get organized – and decide what to keep that nourishes our lives. To be free of the excess and yet know that I/we were not lacking, is such a good feeling.
B. says “Me, too!”
Salt Lake, Oahu

Don’t know if you remember me from your weekend classes in downtown Honolulu last June.
I bought 2 bagua mirrors for the outside of my house, facing the noisy roosters from our back neighbor. We always have houseguests, and my daughter was visiting in July and said that she didn’t notice the roosters as much as before. Lo and behold, in Sept or Oct (I don’t remember exactly when) the crowing stopped completely, because they got rid of their roosters! I did not expect that to happen… only for us not to be bothered by them as much, but what a pleasant result! No more roosters!
Another thing, my cousin built a new house in Kahala, with a D driveway… she divorced her hubby and he moved out. Then after her daughter and boyfriend moved in, wala, they broke up! Wow! I believe!
L. Y.

Aloha Clear,
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and knowledge of feng shui. I am much more aware of the flow of energy, thanks to you. I will definitely recommend your consultation to my friends and clients who seek for more balance and empowerment to their life.
Good luck, happiness and blessings to you.
Hawaii Kai

I just wanted to thank you so much for offering such a wonderful course on Feng Shui for Professionals. What I most value about you, besides your expertise in the subject, is your professional ethics. Please continue the good work you do. It really is a ministry if you think about it.

Thanks so much for your thoughtful suggestions with my new apartment. Already, changes are being implemented and one of the first was the fireplace located in the fortunate blessing area of the bagua. It looks like a jungle over there! (laughing) and my palms are itching and opportunities are coming in. For the master bathroom in my helpful friends and travel area, I changed the towels and rug to white and found a shower curtain that is fairly simple (mostly white with some black and grey). It has round sequins sewn into the black area. I love the space. Interestingly, friends I have not heard from in a long time are in touch and offers of support from others to help with my business idea are simply flowing in. I am quite astonished at this energy!
I send warm regards, Clear.
Marin County, California

But here is the best part. I could not stand that garage another minute and when my carpenter was done and the sawdust was needing cleaning up, I just went for it and really cleaned that garage. It took the entire day. Yes, the car is still there, but there is a big improvement in what is really my main entry to the house. Two pick up truck loads were hauled off to the dump. Well, in less than 24 hours after the purging of junk and dirt etc. , in my mail box shows up two checks from Vanguard stating that they have found an error in overfunding of our 401k accounts and have to by law refund the excess to us. Clear, these two checks totalled nearly $16,000.00!!!!! Can you believe it? It is just what I needed to pay off the student loan I had to take out to fund the boys college last year. I know there was a serious money leak and problem with the children not doing well at school, and it was, as I suspected, related to the garage.
With fond aloha,

I’m having so much fun and feel so much happier. Thank you for your guidance. I will certainly be calling on you soon.

Thank you for your presentation last night. I was truly inspired.
Aloha Pumehana,

I loved your presentation today, and learned a lot!!!
I wanted to tell you that things are going real well for me, especially emotionally, since your consultation at [Hilo address]. Today I bought four flowering plants. One for inside and three for outside. Things are much more unified between me and my children in quite a wonderful way. I have been more free, and have been having more fun.
I will look forward to seeing you again, and also to seeing your new book.

Hi Clear,
I just finished listening to both CD’s. They came out fine, and we can erase on your end. Thank you very much!
We will follow all your suggestions and may contact you for ideas and advice later as well.
I think it so funny how life works, I met you in Hilo back in 2004 or so, did your Feng Shui course at HCC, you helped me Feng Shui my home to find a nice person, and I soon met and married [my wife]!
Now, [my wife] met you and loves you…. you discovered our current home has a problem, and we were devastated, as luck would have it, [my wife] located an even better home, safer and warmer, and she and I are very happy!
Wow!!! So lucky to have met you way back when!

It was great to have you here. Lots of fresh ‘clear’ energy. You are an inspiration.

Hi Clear,
Just wanted to thank you so much for the consultation on Saturday. [My husband and children] and I are excited to make some positive changes in our home. I told a bunch of my friends about you!
Aloha Pumehana,
Waimanalo, Oahu

I’m currently in your Windward Oahu class, and I’m very glad I signed up. Our house has quite a few challenges, but I think there might just be hope for us after all. You’ve given me lots of ideas already. Thanks.
We have slowly begun to apply some cures to certain problem areas. First, we started keeping the toilet lids closed, and tied big glossy red ribbons on the sewer pipes. We had lots of fun sitting on little stools under our house, stating our intentions. One week later, my husband got a raise! I went out and bought some more red ribbon for the sinks!
We are now redoing our mailbox, and are planning on having the new golden house numbers go UPWARD!

Thank you so much for all your help thus far! Thanks to your sound advice and a number of other factors, we chose to wait and not purchase a home in 2008. What a blessing! I look forward to your continued guidance in our new home.
Blessings to you and your Family,
[written in 2010]

Mahalo nui loa for your joyful, enlightening presentation. Kaneohe patrons talked about it for days.
We look forward to seeing you again.
Deborah Gutermuth, Branch Manager
Kaneohe Library

Thank you for working through all of the photos of [our home]. I took 15 pages of notes, and J got 8.
We really appreciate your design sense, as well as your feng shui expertise.
Mahalo nui loa,
L and J
South San Francisco

Thank you so much for a beautiful feng shui consultation. You’re a beautiful person. I’ve already told others about you!

(This is from a client with a bathroom in the center of her home, who followed my suggestions.)
It’s been about two or three weeks since the remedy went up. It’s a little messy – we got better as we went along. [My husband] primed the bathroom and it looks fine; we’re going to rag it so that the creases don’t stand out too much (unless you tell me otherwise).
Well, since then, things started getting more magical. And then a few days ago I crossed over into a fearless, confident zest for life. I am now the HAPPIEST I have ever been in my life, and I know I am not going back. This power is here to stay. I am not afraid of anything… Spirit is coming through me and my intuition is spot on.
I’m so in touch with my intuition it’s almost overwhelming. I don’t have time each day to tell [my husband] about all the wonderful communications I have.
My marriage is better than ever. Before we put up the remedy, we already were connected better than ever, due to events over the summer that brought us closer. But since the remedy went up, our love has deepened more than I ever thought it could. We are constantly telling each other how much we love each other, flirting (we rarely did that) and hugging, kissing etc. all the time. And our children are happier and more well-adjusted.
I could go on for several more pages just describing the last few days. I’m getting used to this. I am realizing how truly special I am. Not in an ego way – I literally am just in touch with universal love. …since the remedy went up, I’m better about getting the other nourishing things I need, like veggie juice (raw powdered) and vitamins to keep up my energy.
And you are among the helpful people I have to thank. I’m so grateful to have met you. You are amazing at what you do. Thank you.
You’re the best. I’ll have more business for you next week.
Hope you are doing well.
With love and appreciation,
Southern California

Thank you for taking the time to come to our home and help us. Finally, after 10 years of fussing we finally know how to divide the space and we are thankful that we no longer have to attend couples counseling for the clueless:)
Much aloha and many mahalos,
a happy Oahu couple

I have a better feeling overall, and your recommendations felt just right.
Warmest regards,

Thank you so very much for sharing your expansive knowledge and passion for Feng Shui. When I began the classes, I thought I knew a great deal – but I learned more than I ever imagined that I would.
Much aloha,
S (feedback from Kapiolani Community College classes on Oahu.)

Thank you. It was such a pleasure talking with you.
Something has occurred since I spoke with you. A certain calmness… not a complete calmness, but more of a resolution that I can handle this, I can put this together.
I send you good thoughts.
in California

Thank you Clear! You are very clear indeed.
P and K,

You came to our house to do a consult right after we moved in and suggested that I paint a wall in my bedroom red or purple – it was the wealth corner of the house and also the wall that connected the wealth and relationship corners in my room.
Well, I painted the wall a deep, vibrant purple and a number of things happened:
– We sold the house for almost 3 times what we paid for it, and I received ten times my cash investment (the next month the real estate market froze)
– I became romantically involved with a friend (unplanned, unexpected, and fabulous)
– My son-in-law got an offer to work [on the mainland], and received the same salary he had in Hawaii even though the cost of living there is much lower.
Best regards,
Northern California

It was a pleasure to attend your lecture, to meet you, and to take in your insightful recommendations. I like your style, your manner of consulting, and truly appreciate your kindness.
With aloha,
Deborah M.

Thank you for your guidance, patience, and kindness!
M. H.
San Francisco

Aloha Clear,
So many compliments especially from everyone who had seen it before and now the glorious after. We couldn’t have done it without your expertise. We all love it so much, the energy is different and so positive.
Mahalo nui loa,
S. L.
The Big Island

I’d like to thank you again for your “spontaneous” Feng Shui consultation. I haven’t made all the changes, but I’m working on it. I think it has already made a big difference in my love life.
Thank You,
(an Oahu client who shall remain nameless)

Thank you for the good ideas. I’ve been inspired to “feng shui” my house and garden, and I have gotten positive comments from friends who have come to visit. And I feel so much happier living in my house.

Dear Clear,
Thanks so much for coming over to feng shui my office. It looks good and feels better already! Two clients called me today, they want to come back… I haven’t seen them in about a year. It’s working already! 🙂
Many, many mahalo’s

Hi Clear,
Thank you so much for your time and your sincere interest in our house design. I just wanted you to know that I appreciate your driving over here to meet with me and that I look forward to your continued support and advice during the construction of our home and in the future as well. As an aside, my husband, D., really liked the ideas you suggested and I am preparing a letter to our design person to make the changes.
Puna, Hawaii

Thank you so much for all you’ve done to aid me in creating my wonderful home. You have been a special, treasured part of the process from the beginning. What a gift you are to our island.
Love your new book — have read it cover to cover.
With gratitude and love,

Aloha Clear,
Moving the plants to define which door is the front door, and putting up the arrows for the landlord was an immediate difference. I feel so much more comfortable here today. For the first time I felt comfortable (safe) leaving the front door open to let the sun and air in. As I walked back from my car, I unexpectedly almost walked up the steps to the front door, rather than walking right past them to the side door; a very good sign. I do appreciate your telling me about the arrows facing the landlord’s front door. It was very much needed and a big help.
I see what you mean about adding softness to the upstairs bedroom. Putting that fabric piece on the wall behind the bed shifts things. There is more to do in that room, but now I have focused direction. I did not like taking down the temple altar, as I loved Buddha there with the light radiating out from behind him, but see that it was a good move. Now, I envision a round table with a large, lush, bouquet of flowers which would also look beautiful looking up the stairs from the living room. I hung the painted silk “parrots in the garden” over the bedroom window and it is pleasant and sensual as it flows in the breeze from the window. Also its sheerness feels intimate. This morning I received a call from a former client asking me to do some work for them, so I guess that is an immediate result of changes.
The office seems a bit sterile now, but the lack of busy-ness is a good thing, as it seems more clear and open and flowing.
I put up the mirrors and red tape in the places you recommended, including under the kitchen sink. It just feels right.
Thanks very much, Clear.

Dear Clear,
Thank you so much for an amazing consultation. Bless you and your work, and may all the cherished works you do continue to spread love and kindness in our universe.
Love and blessings,
Montecito, California

[I received the following e-mail a few weeks later from the same person:]
Happy New Moon Clear!
I have spent some more time repairing the walls of the apt. and painting, wow it is finally coming to look like home. I moved my desk to where you told me and am sitting facing east. I feel nested now at my desk and that you carved out a “little” office for me. So I thought that you should be my first e-mail from my “new” office.
It then occurred to me how you carved out my studio, and I really understand now what you did: You divided up my rectangular studio into apt. sections so that each section has its own space to be what it is: a bedroom, an office, a living room. I now have an entryway that is open and I can breathe when I walk through the door and there is my own cozy living room. I actually feel welcome and warm there now. It is amazing how cramped I was with my desk in line of fire between the front door and the patio! You know I don’t have any new furniture yet, and I feel so much more whole here.
Thank you so Clear.
You rock.
J.C. Montecito

Thank you Clear –
I am looking forward to hearing you again. You did a session with me on my spaces in P___ for relationship, and two weeks later, voila …. it’s been over three years.
Aloha –

I would love to have you consult this project, as everything you recommend has always been so amazing in my life (for 7 or 8 years since I met you in Hawaii!!!).
And lastly, I finally painted the front door a kinda red (as red as I could make it, given the color of the rest of the house!) and changed it from the charcoal we had originally done. My paycheck that month was the largest I have ever made, and was bigger than my annual income for most of my life. You told me to give it 6 months and that I could change it back if I wanted… not a chance!!!
L. B.
Santa Cruz, California

Hi Clear:
I have another reading for you when you have the time. You first feng shui’d my house years ago with remedies for health issues for E. that helped tremendously. K. J.’s sister told us how you helped her with a missing children’s section of her house. She how has two! Your remedies for the office have worked out really well!
Thanks again, Clear!
D. I., Washington

It was a pleasure speaking with you the other night. We have implemented only a few of the cures you suggested and already, the universe has responded. And thanks for being so gentle with your suggestions – I know we’re a little out there with our color choices and you’re sweet not to laugh outright to us. I’ve come to accept us as quirky and not sophisticated; it works better if I don’t fight it.
With love and appreciation,
Dana, California

I was so inspired after speaking with you I moved my whole bedroom around and put the bed under the window. It changed the whole energy in the room and I had a most restful sleep.
Thanks for all your help in answering everything.
Anne S.
[Clear’s note: I don’t usually recommend beds under windows, but this was a special circumstance, and there were plenty of curtains.]

Mahalo Clear,
for sharing feng shui with the Hawaii Healing Garden @ Amy Greenwell
with aloha
Katie and Michael

These are some of the thank you’s I got back from teaching the third and fourth graders at Innovations Public Charter School in Kailua in September, 2007.

Thank you for teaching us about fung shuei! It was very interesting! I want to learn more! – from Riko
Thank you so much. I feel like I should have everything fung shwey.
Thank you for coming in to our class to teach us about feng shui. I know that my class and I had a great time. You helped my class and I learn a lot about Fung Shui. I hope you come again. – from Isaac
Thank you for coming to our class and sharing about fung shui. I tried to cover up all the pointed edges in my bedroom. It has affected my sleep slightly. Thanks again. Sincerely, Isaiah
Thank you for teaching us fung shui. I will fung shui my room. – Sincerely, Mary.
Thank you for teaching me how fung shui woke. I hope to change by bed room to make it more like fung shui. It seems to be working well in the classroom. – from Corben
Thanks for teaching us how to work feng shuy in our rooms. Aloha from, Kaia
Thank you for teaching us fung shui. I really enjoyed hearing about fung shui. I am thinking of doing it to my room. Thank you. by Mahina
Thank for explaining to my class what is fung shui. It was awesome and cool! Thanks again. from: Taylor
Thank you for coming to our class! But unforchenety we can’t change anything around or anything, but I apreshate that you came! Sincerely, Ariana

I just wanted to let you know that the very difficult situation at out new place … is over/resolved.
Your tips were a surprise, and something I would have never thought of! They worked.
Thank you, thank you… a million thanks!

Thank you Clear. I really appreciate your input and suggestions on calming my home, and assisting the smooth, steady movement of energy.
Jonice (Joni) Owen, D.C.
Owen Natural Health
Emeryville, California

I attended your talk at the Hilo library today and found you most informative.
Kathleen B.
Keaau, Hawaii

Just wanted to let you know that hearing your talk this afternoon made me very happy. You validated almost everything that we have done at our new home. It faces the right direction, I have a painting of water flowing into the house at the front door, and a round table in my bedroom. Thanks again!
Gloria K.
Hilo, Hawaii

Thank you for all you do to help make my life successful, prosperous, and balanced! I really appreciate you so much.
Warmly, L.B., Santa Cruz, CA

What fun, and what great results!

I am writing to you from San Jose, California. I came across your book, Bedroom Feng Shui and read it cover to cover in one seating! I didn’t know anything about feng shui until now, and your book was my first introduction to it. It is very well-written and was a very informative, enjoyable and easy read for me.
Thank you, N.

Thank you very much for a great feng shui consultation. I really enjoyed learning about goods and bads of each area of my house. I also appreciate the care you took to explain reasons behind each cure, and good stores to get needed items from.
I am on my way to make all the changes you have suggested, and will let you know of good results, which I am sure of.
Thank you, N., San Jose

I wanted you to know how helpful your book is to me, and how I will be buying some curtains this weekend based on the color scheme bagua map. The book really gives me a nice template to start from. I always turn to it whenever I move to a new place (seemingly at least once per year). Thank you for writing it and sharing your gifts with the world!
Happy days to you, Melissa

Many thanks! B and P were thrilled with their consultation.

Thank you for advising me. Thank you for giving me ‘Clear’ insight to make my bamboo house a happy, healthy site of good fortune.
Mahalo, Virginia

Thank you so much for participating in the AIA-CES [American Institute of Architects – Continuing Education Series] on February 24, 2006. Your presentation was very informative, and we received many praises from the attendees. I hope that the attending architects will be able to incorporate your Feng Shui ideas into their future projects.
Again, thank you so much for your valuable knowledge on Feng Shui.
Robin K. Inaba, AIA

I love my home now, but it seems my husband has been asked to teach [in another city] (eight months after I bought a leather couch and added red drapes to re-energize the fame wall.) This has been a dream he has had! Also, he has been at his duty station for five years, and ever since we moved into this house and I followed your suggestions, he has finally been recognized for his work accomplishments. It is such a thrill.
Thank you soooo much!

I just have to share this bit of news with you because you have a lot to do with it from our last session. Remember how you suggested I find photos of men and put them around the house and pull down my single women photographs/sketches/artwork?
Well, I’m completely smitten in this new relationship with someone who I’ve known for years. We’ve been seeing a lot of each other, came over last weekend and will spend this weekend in my home. The intention on this received immediate results, it’s fantastic.
Thanks for being there and having such great advice and insight.
San Francisco

Thanks so very much! You do great work!
Kona, Hawaii

I was in Maui again a few weeks ago enjoying the bounties of that beautiful island and thought about you. My girlfriends laughed at me while I rearranged furniture and things in the condo, but they had to admit that the rooms felt better after I was done. Imagine five women, all over 55, all set in our ways, living together in close quarters for 2 weeks. But we had such a fabulous and harmonious and bonding vacation, that we can’t wait to do it again next year. They believe it was luck. I know it was the energy.
Even though I know feng shui always works, I am always surprised when it does. When I moved the mirrors which were over the fireplace (fame) to the other wall (life’s path) I noticed an immediate shift in the feel of the room. The next day I got an offer to expand my business. I also replaced an old picture in the fortunate blessings with a vibrant photo of a red hibiscus that I picked up on Maui and, within hours, I received a repayment of a loan which I hadn’t expected until next month. Chi is a wonderful thing!
I just wanted to thank you again for putting such important information concerning health and peace of mind into books that are so easy to understand and use. What a gift!
Oakland, CA

from former customer from San Francisco

You came to my small apartment…It must have been around 2000? I can’t quite remember. In any case, I made a lot of the changes you recommended and have seen some amazing changes in my life.
I’ve been clean and sober for just over 3 years – met the man of my dreams – we got married – took a six week vacation to Europe…I’ve left my corporate job and am now teaching yoga and running the technology department of a wellness center.

We totally enjoyed your consult…it helped SO much, you have no idea!
Kona, Hawaii

I just read your book Feng Shui Demystified and it really helped me figure out the meaning of Feng Shui.

Thanks for giving me a call today…I think its rare these days to find someone that provides tha extra little service. We are happily making changes and finding it fun.
Kona, Hawaii

Thank you so much for a fabulous presentation. These are principles we can all benefit from and hopefully make some changes. We are fortunate to have someone like you in our community. Thanks for your time and knowledge.
Heidi Stromberg, President, Kona Mauka Rotary Club

I had you do a phone consultation for my office in West Orange, New Jersey, and I experience an amazing and immediate change. My workload suddenly picked up. I got new clients, and ended up hiring a full time designer to help handle the workload. The energy in the room felt much better, and obviously made a big difference.

You came to my home in Sunnyvale in Feb. of 2002–and how I’ve seen changes in my life since then! The fountain in the prosperity corner worked wonders… I’ve since painted my walls of prosperity, fame, and relationships a brick red and have seen countless “fame” changes in my sixteen-year-old son (and it’s only been 3 weeks since I’ve painted!). So, I say thank you to you for turning me on to feng shui!!

I want to thank you for your pointers on pregnancy. My husband and I have a beautiful 16-month-old daughter.

Thank you for looking over the plans. I totally agree with you.
Thanks, Arlene
Hilo, Hawaii

Thank you again for the wonderful consultation you offered us in September. It was very helpful in clarifing and grounding our space.
Joseph and Kathryn
Kona, Hawaii

Clear – I think you are so special. Your ability to understand our space is impressive, and the cures you suggested have really helped to move a few boulders blocking my growth in all areas.
I am especially impressed with your approach of getting the information out there.
Sherman Oaks, California

Thank you so much for your knowledge.
Las Vegas

Thanks for your advice and honesty. I do appreciate that.

Thank you so much. I stayed up half the night to make changes. I even had one of the best meditations after your advice. You are AMAZING!
New York City

Just wanted to let you know that the things I have done to the house – removing stripes, lighting up the relationship area with lights, etc, etc, have all worked. Not only on us but the cats. We have had no incidents of spraying in the house since you’ve been here. Now that’s a testament to this working.
Keaau, HI

… we attended a couple of your evening classes at Keauhou. We would have attended more, but life got busy — especially after I made a small “feng shui shrine” based on things I learned from your class!… The gigs started coming in thick and fast. On Wednesday, we got a call from West Hawaii Today asking if a reporter and photographer could come over and do a story on us. I hope you get a copy of the newspaper and see what your powerful little class did for us…
Holualoa, HI

Just received your latest masterpiece: Bedroom Feng Shui. It looks and reads sweetly.
Denny Fairchild
author of Healing Homes – Here and Now.

I just wanted to thank you again for speaking with me over the phone the other night and providing me with such a wealth of information regarding feng shui consulting. Before speaking with you I had spoken to some feng shui consultants who seemed to be more focused on creating wealth for themselves or on selling me very expensive seminars. Needless to say, my conversation with you was like a breath of fresh air.
via e-mail

Thanks so much for the wonderful consultation. I am also really enjoying the simplicity and directness of the writing in your book. Of course I think it is your Southernness coming through…
Emeryville, CA

I just wanted to let you know that your book, Feng Shui Demystified, is one of the best Feng Shui books that I have read. It is an excellent reference, and I recommend it to someone who is just beginning to become interested in Feng Shui because it is detailed without being overwhelming.
vial e-mail

Thank you so very much for presenting the feng shui workshop… I appreciate your taking the time to share your knowledge of and experience with this ancient Chinese methodology. Our evaluations showed an extremely high level of satisfaction with both the content and the presentation.
Kailua, Hawaii

One interesting thing I’ve noticed about the concentrated changes I’ve made to particular areas of my house is that within a couple of days I experience marked changes in my life reflective of the area, like a spike of activity. For example, when I first did the money area, I found immediate prosperity in strange places. Attention to the fame area coincided with many calls and comments on my writing. Attention to the health and family area actually had me seriously thinking about working through some old, old history with my mother, and the self-knowledge area revealed very sad images of myself that I had been perpetrating for a long time. The last five months have been about constant change and growth. Thanks so much!
Norah Charles
Holualoa, Hawaii

I felt that you quickly attuned yourself to my tastes and offered solutions and decorating ideas that I’m very excited about trying out. In a million years I never would have thought to get a sunburst mirror and put it in that location. I have found one to bid on and can’t wait to see it over the lanai wall. Mahalo.
Kailua, Hawaii

Thanks for your fabulous consultation… I learned so much! You should see my bathroom now… the sage [color] worked perfectly.
Kailua, Hawaii

Thanks for your support. when I called you last week in regarding a house my family and I were somewhat interested in buying, here in Santa Cruz. Your warm, down-to-earth communication with me on the phone helped me as much as the clear advice you shared.

I love my family. We are closely connected to one another. We all want to flourish, to realize our dearest dreams, and to stay connected our entire lives. To me, being able to access Feng Shui wisdom gives me hope for the future.

Thank you again, for being there and giving me clear and sound advice.

Santa Cruz, California

I wanted to let you know the latest development in our lives thanks to your Feng Shui advice. We had the double bathrooms in the center of the house and you said that we were flushing our fame and fortune down the drain. You said there could not possibly be enough red in our master bedroom, the fame room. After adding burgundy throw rugs, red bed sheets, bedskirt and bedcovering, my husband gave notice at his job where his good name had been unjustly in question. Two days before his last day (which was a Friday) he was contacted by a community college where he had placed a resume one year earlier in hopes of changing professions. With no previous classroom teaching experience,and no interview, he was asked if he could teach a class beginning the next week on Monday. His good name was cleared at his job and he is now teaching as he had hoped. Then a “series of unexpected events” occured that caused my husband to be in the peculiar position of having to paint the master bedroom literally overnight. He went to the paint store and came back with white for the ceiling and trim and ‘Antoinette Red’ for the walls. He said, “You said Clear told you you couldn’t have enough red in this room.” The feeling I have walking into this room is almost indescribable. I love it! Instead of feeling overpowering, as I thought it might, it feels completely supportive, uplifting, and energetically sustaining!

Plus, an area of minor disagreement between us with potentially major consequences cleared up and I began receiving my husband’s total support in a way that I had hoped for. I am very appreciative for all the changes so far and I know more are coming! I am still telling my friends about you and always will. You are a wonderful gift in my life and I am truly blessed to cross paths with you.

My copy of your first book is seriously dog-eared from frequent use — and my life is very joyful and productive. Just picked up an original oil painting in blue/red/purple to put in my kitchen (fortunate blessings room), and within 2 days I picked up 11 new clients. I am constantly amazed how well this stuff works! Thank you so much for your counselling and suggestions.
Oakland California

I really enjoyed working with you last week. It was the most fun I have had in months. Thank you.
San Francisco

It was delightful to meet you yesterday and to have my apt. feng shui- ed.
And I’ve already started to make some of the changes you suggested. And I
felt peaceful yesterday for the first time in a long time…
San Francisco

I just wanted to send you an update of your great work. Back in March you consulted with my partner and I in our new apartment. We immediately made changes, but the most dramatic change came when we put a blooming orchid in our money area (the bathroom). I received a $6,000 aise quite unexpectedly as my raises usually come three to four months later. About a week or two ago the orchid started to lose its blooms so I put red daisy with three flowers in its place and moved the orchid. Two days ago I received a very unexpected ADDITIONAL 2,000 raise and today I got a thank you gift of $100. This is only our money area. Our relationship has also blossomed as have our family & friendship relationships and travel. Thank you so much! Not only have you helped us with the energy flow of our new apartment, but you also brought very welcoming and comfortable good energy to us with your presence.

Thanks again!!
San Francisco

Thanks, again, for your time on Saturday, Clear. My mother thought you were just delightful! She and I were up until 3 AM like a couple of little imps rearranging furniture. It already looks and FEELS great!
Redwood City, CA

I am enjoying redoing my home. I have made quite a few of the changes you suggested and it is amazing at the difference I feel.
Oakland, CA

Thanks for the consultation yesterday. I appreciate your sense of style. It
was fun and I am excited about making the changes.
Alemeda, CA

A short note to thank you for your time on Saturday. It was such an uplifting experience – I really hadn’t appreciated how much it would affect us.
San Francisco,CA

Clear Englebert not only demystifies Feng Shui, he makes it fun! I could feel the energy shift in my apartment during our consultation as I contemplated his recommendations. Once I began to make some of those changes, the energetic difference was palpable and vast. With my bed in its new location I felt safe and was able to rest into my space in a way I never could before. I fall asleep easier and sleep better now that I’m not under that cursed beam! Having completed a wholesale furniture reorganization, my entire apartment is at once cozier and more spacious. Similarly, the color accents Clear suggested impart a feeling that is simultaneously vibrant and soothing. No mean feats, these! In person, Clear’s spirit is delightful and inspiring; his book is likewise enormously useful and refreshing. The section on clutter and the real problem with hanging on to things because they “may come in handy someday…” has helped me let go of several decades worth of accumulated essentials that await that handy moment in vain. The changes Clear suggested have made a world of difference in my life already—and I’ve only implemented about half of them! I recommend his services to the tune of five gold stars.
San Francisco, CA

I feel that I should update you to my situation since our telephone consultation. I did the minor changes you suggested before I placed my home on the market. Fifteen minutes after I put up my “For Sale by Owner” sign, the person who ultimately purchased my house called and said that they wanted it. Some competition ensued, and they happily took it “as is.” Although they lived around the corner, they had trouble selling their house. And their deal was troubled throughout the close. I suggested Feng Shui, but she said it was “bunk.” So I made more money with less trouble. Oh well… Thanks for your affordable service and kindness.

I rearranged my office after you left –It’s great. Everyone has liked it and responded very positively. One client said tongue-in-cheek, “Oh what did you do — Feng Shui?” I just smiled.
Oakland, CA

Jimmy and I want to thank you for all of the help you gave us last Sunday. Moving 2 people into a small apartment is no easy feat, and you gave us some great tips about keeping our life in harmony. I’m also happy to say that Jimmy and I have both found wonderful jobs this week, and we’ve also made some new friends! Perhaps it’s luck, but I’d rather credit our red welcome mat, romantically lit bathroom, and expensive red guitar in the Fortunate Blessings corner.
Marin County, CA

Thanks for your inspired ideas and your generous spirit.
Sonoma, CA

I have incorporated most of the cures you recommended, and my life definitely feels it is on the upswing.
San Francisco, CA

Your guidance in planning the new space was so rich and enlightening — I’m actually looking forward to the move, and the new energy in the new space.
San Francisco, CA

Just want to let you know that I am experiencing great results since your Feng Shui consultation…. what we have implemented so far has helped tremendously. I appreciate your straight forward, professional, and friendly work-style, and would like to work with you again when we buy our new home.
Alameda, CA

I just had to share with you. Since you were here on Saturday I have had two people come in and cheerfully pay me things that have been overdue now for two years! I thought I would never collect on those, and actually they came in and cheerfully paid me not only what they owed me, but extra because they felt guilty. I just can’t believe it! Thank you so much for helping me with my office! Have a great day, I’m certainly having one!
Oakland, CA

I wanted to give you an update on what has happened since you did your magic. Three days after your visit, J. came home with the news of receiving a bonus at work. Our relationship, too, has improved. I have noticed a “sweeter” and “kinder” exchange between us…. I completely rearranged my office and eliminated the deadly poison arrows. It is wonderful in there now. I have increased my clientele dramatically…and feel that my energy and inspiration have benefitted from the energy in there.
San Bruno, CA

All I can say is “WOW!” I feel so much better already. Just clearing the wealth areas have been the most amazing.
Concord, CA

Thanks again for the enlightening consulation at our home…. we’d love to have you back for a review and fine-tuning consultation.
Pacifica, CA

We continue to feel the blessing of your visit and consultation in our home.
I am so pleased to have found you. Thank you for your generosity in phoning us back…
It felt confirming and we trusted your intuition.
Sonoma, CA

Cool website! I’ve done everything you told me and it feels like a dam
burst. Hope I can ride the waves because action is definitely happening.

Oakland, CA

Thank you for your time and advice. It certainly gives me the guidance I was
seeking in the world of feng shui.

Downers Grove, IL

Thank you for sharing your expertise- It was an informative, fun
evening. I was impressed with your work.

San Francisco, CA

Thank you again for a fascinating and inspiring feng shui consultation. You are
so good at what you do!!!
San Francisco, CA.