This Point in my Feng Shui Career

My seventh book will be published in September, and I turn seventy in October. (When a feng shui consultant turns eighty, that’s when—as I learned it—they can possibly qualify for the moniker “feng shui master.” That term is about experience.) Being in my third decade as a feng shui consultant, I may stop being thought of as “affordable.” The reason is that I’m shifting my career focus from consulting to writing. Ten years—five more books. That’s my goal. Books are bubbling around inside of me, and I cannot deny them their opportunity in bookstores. I know and love my subject.
I don’t plan on retiring—it’s my understanding that feng shui consultants don’t do that. Our experience becomes more valuable.
When I raised my rates from $180 per hour to $300 per hour, an amazing thing happened—like a confirmation because of the timing. I had just made the text changes on my web pages that concern my rates. Then, the very next consultation inquiry call I got was from the one person that I know that lives on this island that I truly would not care to work for. The person balked and did not schedule when they heard my rates. When I hung up the phone, I thought I’d gone to heaven.
I will say that I still offer a half-price deal (a very specific deal) that drops the consulting rate to $150 per hour, which is $2.50 per minute prorated.
As long as I’m making announcements, I may as well announce that the frequency of my blog posts will decrease to once a month, appearing on the last Thursday of the month. And that’s because I’m concentrating on writing books. The truth is, I really think that if I was a “techie” or very online person, I don’t think I’d be all that good at feng shui. I notice things about the physical world because that’s where I spend my time. The real physical world (as different from a computer virtual world) knows how to call my name so that I’ll respond.
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