Feng Shui for Home Buyers—Windows

I offered my first webinars last month, and they went well. The first in the series focused on information for home buyers and it caused me to revisit what I included in Feng Shui for Real Estate and what I didn’t. I now think it would have been nice to have discussed the feng shui of windows, since they are terrifically important. Fresh air is the big deal with windows (and with COVID prevention) so here are the various kinds of windows rated from worst to best.
- Fixed windows are the worst. They can’t be opened, and they were never intended to be opened. They represent blocked opportunities. Stuck windows are different because they can be unstuck (there’s a special tool to cut through the dried paint) and then they’re fine.
- Double-hung windows are second worst. The most they can open is halfway. Keep them in good repair so that they can open both from the top and bottom. Sliding glass doors or windows are no better than double hung windows—at best only half of the window can let fresh air in.
- Louver windows can open 100% so they’re quite good. The only thing that keeps them from being great is that they can sometimes make poison arrows (like Venetian blinds—see the illustration), depending on how they are aimed when they are open.
- Casement windows are the best. Not only do they open fully, but they can catch a breeze that might otherwise not come into your home and channel it in. Frank Lloyd Wright said that if casement windows had not been invented, he would have invented them.
Remember, in feng shui, windows represent your eyes—how you see things. Fake things in or near the windows symbolize trusting in facts that are untrue. Obstructions, including dirty glass, prevent you from seeing clearly or seeing the complete picture.
A final note, if you’re interested in those webinars I mentioned, the replays are available to purchase (and if you do, there’s a coupon code included for a discount on my books published by Watermark Publishing).
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Article Comments
March 3, 2022 10:58 amDo obstructions in windows include crystals and wind chimes and pretty things? Please elaborate. Thanks, Kathy
April 5, 2022 7:32 pmNo, definitely not. Those items almost always serve to keep energy in the home. That’s because you notice them even before you notice the view outside the window.