The Old Me (with a portrait gallery)
The next time you see me, you may not recognize me—I scarcely recognize myself now when I look in a mirror. I’ll soon have a ponytail. I’ve already got a full beard, but my hair isn’t yet quite long enough to tie back yet. My last haircut was in January, before my annual Honolulu trip—and I expect that will be my last haircut for a very long time—maybe ever. Right now my hair is at that in-between length, which tends to drive me crazy. I’ve gone through this in-between length a good many times in my life, and every time I forget how much I can’t stand that in-between stage. Wearing a headband (usually made of a folded bandanna) is and has been my solution. That keeps the hair out of my eyes, until I can tie it back. My hair grows thick and fast so that won’t be that much longer.
Here’s a gallery of pictures of me over the years with my hair at various lengths. I’ll post a current picture of me with my new ponytail as soon as I have one (a ponytail, that is).

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Article Comments
L roy
October 22, 2020 4:54 pmNice I too am growing my hair out,not long enough to tie back,but I’m also balding,
October 22, 2020 5:45 pmThanks for your comment. When I first saw my future husband, the first thing I noticed (and liked) about him was his long hair (and the fact that he was barefoot).
October 23, 2020 9:36 amThat long hair and bare feet is exactly what got me into a 25 year miserable marriage! You just never know how it can turn out.
October 23, 2020 9:44 amSo true!
kathy gaughen
October 23, 2020 6:56 pmHi Clear…loved the portrait gallery. How time evolves. Can you comment on the true front door…use as opposed to architectural. Colors, bagua, space. Friends asking, me asking. All my doors are red!
And I recently learned thru my qi gong studies to focus on the spaces around the objects rather than the placement of material objects themselves. A new thought for me.Thoughts being yang material, space between thoughts being yin space. I love the concept …clearing spaces in my mind and home. Thanks, Kathy
October 24, 2020 1:21 pmHi Kathy,
Good to hear from you. The only door that should be red is the architectural front door (this is what I almost always refer to as the “front door”), and then only the outside part of the door should be that color. Other doors can be painted you favorite colors—this is especially true if it’s a door that you commonly use to enter your home. If you want to paint the inside of the door, use the color suggestions from the bagua map. For instance I usually recommend that the inside of the front door be black or charcoal. There is also the issue of whether or not the door stays open a lot for air circulation. (You don’t want the color red in the Life’s Path/Career Area—at least not large amounts of it.) As for the space around the doors—it should be uncluttered and welcoming. This is especially true of the front door and any door that you use regularly (such as a door from the garage or carport). The space around the door is part of the ming tang (bright hall) where you have the opportunity to temper the energy that will be coming into your home.
I hope that helps.