Feng Shui by Clear Englebert

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Feng Shui & Pot Fillers

The first time I saw a “pot filler” in a client’s home, I was speechless. I knew I was looking at a feng shui nightmare, and I also knew that...... Read More

Feng Shui, Pregnancy, and Abortion

Two of my books have discussed pregnancy—my first book and my latest book. Feng Shui Demystified had a section on feng shui tips for attaining pregnancy and Feng Shui for Real Estate has a section on how pregnancy can affect... Read More

Feng Shui for Real Estate Webinars

At my publisher’s suggestion, I am exploring conducting webinars in place of in-person seminars. In February, I will offer three webinars based on my newest book, Feng Shui for Real...... Read More