Feng Shui for Prosperity – Excerpt in Conscious Lifestyle Magazine
Last year, I was asked for permission to excerpt content from my most recent book, Feng Shui for Love & Money, in Conscious Lifestyle magazine. I readily granted that permission, and you can read the excerpt, which they have called “Feng Shui For Money and Wealth: How to Apply The Ancient Chinese Science of Decorating Your Home For Prosperity,” on their website.
I have to note that I was not consulted on the photo they used as the main illustration, and I would have strongly urged them to reconsider, had I been asked. It’s very disorienting and not good feng shui at all. That being said, the information is what I consider the basics of feng shui, as well as some good starter advice for bringing more prosperity into your home.
Most of the advice regarding prosperity that’s included in this excerpt has to do with how you decorate your Wealth Corner. The longer and more correct name for this part of the bagua map is the Fortunate Blessings Area. It’s important to remember that fortunate blessings can take many forms that don’t directly involve money.