Feng Shui by Clear Englebert

Feng Shui for Love & Money – An Excerpt

Feng Shui for Love & Money by Clear Englebert (front cover)My newest book, Feng Shui for Love & Money, is on its way from the printer. Below follows an excerpt from the introduction; tomorrow, I will post five tips taken from various sections throughout the book. You can pre-order the book online from my publisher, Watermark Publishing. It will start appearing in bookstores throughout Hawaii at the end of August, and you can request it at your local bookstores elsewhere. I will be on Oahu for promotional events from Aug. 28 – 31, and will also have events on the Big Island of Hawaii throughout September and October. See my events page for details.

This book offers common sense feng shui advice for promoting prosperity and for attracting and enhancing relationships. Love and money are the two topics I am most frequently asked about during presentations and consultations, and they are the two components most people want to change about their lives when they turn to feng shui. Everything in life is connected to love and money—family, home, friendships, career, travel.

The far back corners in a building are the Wealth and Relationship Corners. They are of primary concern—the kinds of objects you put in those corners are of great importance for attracting or repelling energy. I will address what (and what not) to put in these areas, as well as potential problem situations (and their fixes) that commonly crop up in homes.

Feng Shui for Love & Money by Clear Englebert (back cover)During a consultation, my clients often say, “That makes sense.” This book will give the rationale behind every suggestion. I want you to understand the reasons for doing things. Intention is a good tool for strengthening feng shui corrections; to state your intentions you must know why you are implementing a fix. This book includes many real-life stories from my personal experiences and those of my clients. It’s easier to see how to use feng shui in your own home when you have examples to follow, and it’s the success stories that keep me practicing feng shui.

Here’s one: Several years ago, I visited a dear friend in San Francisco. When she told me she was single and looking, I offered a bit of feng shui advice. We stepped into the common hall outside her apartment door, and I asked if the landlord would mind if she put something small on the dragon (right, representing masculine) side of her doorway. “He won’t even notice,” she replied. I keep a few extra postage stamps with me, and one of them was a beautiful Duke Kahanamoku stamp. (He was an Olympic champion swimmer and quite handsome.) My friend stuck it on the door frame molding, and a few weeks later I got an email from her describing her new boyfriend as “hunky and sexy.” I thought, That’s what I would expect using a Duke stamp.

Apply the suggestions from this book in ways that complement your decorative style. And don’t procrastinate. Changes made in a timely manner have a more profound effect than changes implemented after a delay. Procrastination dilutes the results, and feng shui is about results—go get ’em!

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