Feng Shui by Clear Englebert


Feng Shui & Grief

Recently, a client called me and I could immediately tell that her voice sounded different. After a few sentences of greeting, she broke down and told me that her bird...... Read More

Feng Shui and the Art of Leaving—The Yin Aspect of Moving

The future is yang and the past is yin. What is new (for you) is yang and what is old is yin. When a person moves to a different home,...... Read More

Is Clear Englebert Your Real Name?

Well, yes it is. It’s on my driver’s license and Social Security card, but it’s not on my birth certificate from 1951. I was named Clarence after my maternal grandfather,...... Read More

Feng Shui & Holiday Decor

Decoration for holidays that occur near the end of the year, such as Christmas & New Years, should not be on display in homes before December 1 nor after January...... Read More

Feng Shui & Guest Rooms

A guest room is quite handy, but if it is used infrequently, it can impart a stagnant energy to the home. Check the bagua for the entire home to see...... Read More

Feng Shui & Gift Giving (and Receiving)

It’s lovely to give & receive gifts, but you don’t want to give something that will just be clutter for the recipient. Food, money, and flowers are all gifts that...... Read More

“My Husband Will Love You” — Feng Shui & Masculine Energy

“My husband will love you.” I’ve heard those exact words three times in my career. The first two times were when I suggested to wives that they reduce the number...... Read More

New Wives Tales—Discovering an Excellent Feng Shui Book

Grace Ho, the Japanese wife of a Chinese businessman, is an author I’ve recently discovered. I just got her book One Minute Feng Shui for Prosperity and I’m now a...... Read More

Feng Shui to Sell Your Home – Part 3: It’s In the Details

This is the final post in my series on feng shui and selling your home. (If you haven’t already, read Part One, “What’s In, What’s Out” and Part Two, “Energy...... Read More

Feng Shui to Sell Your Home – Part 2: Energy Flow

Here is Part Two of my blog series on feng shui and home selling. This post will address energy flow, specifically the problem of it stagnating, moving too quickly or...... Read More